International Yoga Day



If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with all nations. Romans 12:18

A practice hosted by Still and Moving in Honolulu, HI. This hour-long practice is focused on honoring all the forms of yoga, and how to fully express them using the hammock.

Join our community

Want to share adventures with us? Want to take your practice deeper? Want to be a part of a community focused on positivity, self-refinement, and sacred connection?



What you'll learn


  • How to use the hammock as a prop in traditional floor based postures
  • Asanas from a range of styles, promoting total wellbeing
  • How to find more active practice using your hammock
  • Floor based variations that use the hammock to enhance the posture

Become a Member

Learn from AIReal educator and thought
leader Carmen Curtis, with 30+ classes


 Access to all classes for $20.75/month (billed annually)


